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Witty Whispers – Hilarious Irish Sayings That Will Make You Laugh

    May your troubles be less and your blessings be more, and nothing but happiness come through your door.

    If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.

    A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.

    There’s no whiskey like Irish whiskey, except for the one you spilled.

    I told my therapist about my procrastination; we’ll discuss it next week.

    When in doubt, make a cup of tea and start over. Preferably with cake.

    Why do they call it rush hour when nothing moves?

    An Irishman’s greatest treasure is a good sense of humor…and a good pub.

    May the roof above us never fall in, and may we friends gathered below never fall out, unless there’s dessert.

    A Irishman walks into a bar… and finds out it’s actually a pub!

    If you can’t be a good example, at least be a warning.

    Remember, there’s no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing… and too much rain.

    The best tales are told over pints of stout, especially the ones that keep changing.

    You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy a pint, and that’s kind of the same thing.

    An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and the besieger inside.

    A pint a day keeps the sadness away, or at least makes it more entertaining.

    May your glass be ever full, may the roof over your head be always strong, and may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you’re dead.

    I’m not saying I’m clumsy, but I’m practicing for my role as a walking disaster.

    A friend will always bail you out of jail; a true friend will be sitting right next to you saying ‘Well, that was fun!’

    Life is too short to drink bad coffee… or bad whiskey!

    What do you call a bad Irish dance? A ‘heel-by-heel’ disaster!

    There’s no such thing as an ugly potato, but some whiskey comes pretty close.

    If you’re lucky enough to be Irish, you’re lucky enough – with a pint in hand!

    I often think about the hereafter. I go somewhere to get something and then wonder what I’m hereafter.

    The Irish don’t tell stories to entertain; they do it to keep the truth hidden amongst the laughter.

    Don’t worry if plan A doesn’t work; there are 25 more letters in the alphabet!

    You can’t make everyone happy. You’re not a pint of Guinness.

    In America, anyone can be president. That’s one thing we Irish can’t say about our pubs!

    I have a love-hate relationship with exercise. I love to eat and I hate to run after it.

    The secret to enjoying life is to have a good laugh, a slice of cake, and someone to share it with.

    Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week, especially for my heart.

    If you stumble, make it part of the dance.

    A cat may look at a king, but an Irishman will look at the king’s pint!

    Irish broth: the secret ingredient is always a hearty laugh.

    If you can start the day without caffeine, you’re either a superhero or just very naive.

    A celebration without cake is just a meeting, but an Irish meeting wouldn’t be without a pint!

    May your life always be like a late-night pub quiz – full of laughter and surprising answers!

    There are two kinds of people in the world: those who love cake and those who are wrong.

    A good Irishman knows life is too short for bad whiskey and ugly shoes.

    It’s better to be a failure at something you love than a success at something you hate… especially if it’s making bad tea.

    They say laughter is the best medicine, but I prefer a good pint to go with it.

    An Irish wink is a signal that something quite mischievous is about to happen.

    Always forgive your enemies, but remember the pint remains!

    Laugh whatever you’ve got to laugh about; it’s cheaper than therapy!

    If you think nobody cares if you’re alive, try missing a couple of pub nights!

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