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About the Luther Reading Challenge

The Luther Reading Challenge is an initiative of the Institute for Ecumenical Research in Strasbourg, France. But we couldn’t have done it without the incredibly generous support of friends around the world. Our heartfelt thanks to everyone on this page who cared enough to make Luther’s writings available to the world!

Text Sponsors

Both Augsburg Fortress and Concordia have given the Luther Reading Challenge permission to reprint texts under copyright for free on the site for three months per text. Please show your gratitude by paying their websites a visit!

  • Augsburg Fortress
  • Concordia Publishing House

Church Sponsors

These congregations saw the value in the Challenge and invested in making it happen when it was still only the spark of an idea. We thank them for their immense generosity and confidence in making this happen!

  • Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Atlanta, Georgia, USA
  • Kountze Memorial Lutheran Church in Omaha, Nebraska, USA
  • First Lutheran Church in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Trinity Lutheran Church in Madison, South Dakota, USA
  • Luther Memorial Church in Des Moines, Iowa, USA

And a Bit More about the Institute

The Institute for Ecumenical Research in Strasbourg, France, was established through a decision of the Lutheran World Federation assembly in Helsinki in 1963. The house opened its doors in 1965 and celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. Over the past five decades, the Institute has sought through research, dialogue, and education to equip the world’s Lutheran churches in the task of reconciliation with other Christians. Institute staff have played key roles in the Leuenberg Agreement that created fellowship between European Lutherans and Reformed in the 1970s, the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification with the Catholic Church in 1999, and the Mennonite action at the LWF assembly in Stuttgart in 2010. Today the staff continue to specialize in the theology of other Christian families as well as teach and study Luther’s theology to provide a firm foundation for ecumenical engagement.

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