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Timeless Wisdom – Memorable Quotes from Mad Men

    The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive.

    You can’t be a man without a man’s shoes.

    If you don’t like what is being said, change the conversation.

    I’m not a miracle worker. I’m just a guy who can make things happen.

    What you call love was invented by guys like me to sell nylons.

    You want to be a better man? Start by being a better person.

    The only thing standing between you and your happiness is the story you keep telling yourself.

    In the end, you’re just another sad man in a suit.

    Success isn’t about being liked; it’s about being respected.

    Nobody knows who I am. I’m not sure I want to know either.

    We’re all going to die. It’s how we live that counts.

    Life is a series of moments; make each one count.

    The truth is a cruel mistress, but I like to dance with her.

    Every day is a new day for a fresh start.

    You can’t make a deal with the devil without losing your soul.

    To be a successful ad man, you must understand desire.

    In advertising, the product is not what you sell; the story is.

    People want to feel special; give them what they crave.

    Sometimes, it’s the silent sighs that speak the loudest.

    Creativity is the ultimate form of rebellion.

    If you can’t convince them, confuse them.

    The hardest part of being an adult is deciding who you want to be.

    Dreams don’t work unless you do.

    A good lie can sometimes be more valuable than the truth.

    Staying ahead in the game means being a step ahead in thought.

    Fashion is about making people feel something.

    In high-stakes business, it’s all about the poker face.

    Genuine connections are rare; treasure them.

    Behind every successful man, there’s a woman rolling her eyes.

    Nostalgia is our most dangerous addiction.

    Men don’t remember; they just act.

    A woman’s place is wherever she chooses.

    You must leave something behind you; you can’t take it all with you.

    Every choice is a gamble; learn to play your cards right.

    Elegance is when the inside is as beautiful as the outside.

    There’s no such thing as an unbreakable rule in advertising.

    Flaws are what make beauty interesting.

    The office can be a battleground or a sanctuary; it’s your choice.

    Success is often born from the ashes of failure.

    You can’t build a reputation on what you’re going to do.

    In the world of men, vulnerability is power.

    We’re all just stories in the end; make yours a bestseller.

    Monotony is the enemy of creativity.

    The past is a place for reference, not residence.

    Every brand tells a story; make yours unforgettable.

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