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Top 10 Memorable Lord Farquaad Quotes from Shrek

    Some are born to greatness, others have greatness thrust upon them, and then there’s me, Lord Farquaad.

    When you’re ruling a kingdom, everyone else is just part of the scenery.

    I may be small in stature, but my ambitions are sky-high.

    A perfect kingdom deserves a perfect ruler—namely, me.

    Why negotiate when you can just intimidate?

    Love is not for the weak; it’s for those who can handle it… preferably at a distance.

    I’m not just a ruler; I’m a revolutionary of rules.

    Every fairytale needs a villain—and I fit the role perfectly.

    Fairytales are warped realities where I always get what I want.

    My kingdom is built on the foundation of my undeniable charm.

    In a land of ogres and magic, I am the only true reality.

    You can’t spell ‘fairytale’ without ‘farquaad’—at least not without some help.

    If power is an illusion, then I must be a master magician.

    Being feared is much easier than being loved, and I prefer it that way.

    I don’t do mediocrity; I only do masterpieces.

    Heroes come and go; I, however, remain.

    True beauty lies beneath the surface—deep beneath.

    Why share the spotlight when I can hog it all?

    Every dragon needs to be slayed… unless it’s in my way.

    Rules are meant to be followed, preferably by others.

    Find the perfect princess? I don’t need to find her; I’ll just have her.

    Ruling a kingdom is easy; ruling over fools is an art.

    The best part of nightmares? I’m always the star.

    Some say I’m ruthless; I prefer the term ‘pragmatic’.

    A ruler without a crown is like a castle without walls.

    I’ve traded hugs for authority, and I don’t regret a thing.

    If you’re not the best, you might as well be in my way.

    There’s no such thing as too much power—only too little ambition.

    I see the world through a lens of perfection—my own.

    In a game of chess, I prefer to be the king. Checkmate.

    I’m not just another villain; I’m a connoisseur of chaos.

    Every obstacle in my path is merely a stepping stone.

    Kingdoms crumble, but I will always rise.

    Fear is my loyal subject; it never questions my authority.

    I don’t do fairy godmothers; I create my own magic.

    Every princess needs saving, and I’m just the man for the job.

    Destiny is a fickle mistress, but I’m determined to tame her.

    You can either join me or get out of my way.

    A royal decree is as good as gold… or better.

    I’m not afraid of the dark; I own it.

    Ambition isn’t just in my blood; it’s my lifeline.

    You can’t spell ‘power’ without ‘ow’—but I’m the one delivering them.

    Even the strongest of foes are merely pawns in my game.

    Destiny is a battlefield; I’m armed and ready.

    In the world of fairytales, I write the script.

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