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Kickstart Your Week – 10 Hilarious Monday Quotes to Brighten Your Day

    Mondays are just mini New Year’s Days — full of resolutions but no champagne!

    I love Mondays; they’re a chance to start fresh — until I hit the snooze button, of course.

    Monday: the day my coffee needs coffee!

    If Monday had a face, I wouldn’t be able to recognize it — that’s how blurry my mornings are.

    Mondays are like a math problem; add the coffee, subtract the sleep, multiply the stress, and divide the will to function.

    Dear Monday, I think you should take a holiday. Trust me, no one wants you around.

    Monday: the day I prepare my brain for what I simply can’t deal with!

    If the week had a middle finger, it would be Monday!

    Monday is the day I start my diet… after this cup of coffee.

    Monday is a reminder that even coffee needs a little push sometimes.

    Mondays are for warriors. Get your armor on — it’s called caffeine!

    Monday: the day I need a hug and a large espresso.

    Monday should be renamed to ‘Wait, what day is it again?’

    On Mondays, I prefer the company of my bed over any human!

    If Mondays were shoes, they’d be the pair you wear just to take out the trash.

    Monday, you’re like a math test — unnecessary stress and way too many problems!

    Mondays are the universe’s way of telling us to slow down and rethink our choices.

    Monday is the day that dreams become distant memories.

    Mondays would be great if they came with a snooze button!

    Why does Monday feel like a marathon? Because I’m always running late!

    Monday: the day destiny says, ‘Try again next week!’

    Every Monday, I wake up with a fresh cup of optimism that’s quickly replaced by reality!

    I don’t hate Mondays; I just wish they came with a side of extra sleep!

    Monday: when even my calendar says, ‘Nope!’

    I don’t need a personal trainer; I need someone to motivate me through Mondays!

    Nothing ruins a Friday more than realizing it’s only Monday.

    Monday: when my coffee needs its own caffeine!

    On Mondays, my brain is a bit like my phone — it needs a serious reboot!

    Monday is my second chance at the weekend — if only it felt like it!

    Let’s treat Mondays like we treat our socks: worn but never truly loved!

    Monday mornings should come with a warning label: Proceed with caution!

    If Monday were a movie, it’d be a horror flick starring a restless alarm clock!

    Sunday is the golden sunbeam; Monday is the cloud that occasionally blocks it!

    Monday comes with a 24-hour ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign!

    Monday: the villain in my superhero story!

    Why is Monday so far from Friday but Friday is so close to Monday?

    Monday: the day that reminds me I’m not a morning person!

    Dear Monday, let’s break up; it’s not me, it’s you!

    Monday is the only thing standing between me and my next nap!

    Just like a bad haircut, Mondays come back every week!

    Monday: the day I need to figure out how I used to enjoy weekends!

    On Mondays, I wear my ‘please don’t talk to me’ face!

    Every Monday feels like a software update — just when I think I’m ready, it takes forever!

    Monday is a reminder that even calendars need a ‘rest day’!

    Monday mornings: the real-life ‘let’s pretend we’re awake’ challenge!

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