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Inspiring Words – The Best Quotes by Lin-Manuel Miranda

    Talk less, smile more.

    The sky’s the limit, and I’m aiming high.

    In the room where it happens, anything is possible.

    Dreams are just a wish away.

    History has its eyes on you.

    You have no control who lives, who dies, who tells your story.

    Love is love is love is love.

    I am not throwin’ away my shot!

    This world is wide enough for all of us.

    We’re not throwing away our shot at greatness.

    The battle is not to the strong alone.

    You have to keep your eyes on the prize.

    I can’t wait to be in the room where it happens.

    We make a good team, you and I.

    Grateful for the opportunity to create.

    You are not alone, we are in this together.

    Work hard, and don’t let anyone dim your light.

    The future is bright when you dare to dream.

    Be really, really, really honest about your goals.

    Music is a bridge to understanding.

    Hope is a thing with feathers.

    Be authentic, be brave, be proud.

    The revolution is not a one-time event.

    Find your voice and use it.

    We rise together, or we don’t rise at all.

    A legacy is built, not given.

    Create the world you want to see.

    Art is an act of revolution.

    Every moment is a chance to be a hero.

    The joy is in the journey, not just the destination.

    Life is a story waiting to be told.

    Courage can change the world.

    Embrace your creativity; it’s your superpower.

    Performance is an act of liberation.

    You’re never too young to make an impact.

    True success is lifting others as you climb.

    Dare to dream bigger than yourself.

    Empathy is the heart of true connection.

    Together, we can change the narrative.

    Innovation is born from passion.

    Opportunities are hidden in every challenge.

    Create with intention and purpose.

    Be the change that inspires change.

    Art reflects the times; make it count.

    Your story matters; share it boldly.

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