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Inspirational Quotes by David Hume – Wisdom from the Enlightenment Thinker

    Skepticism is the cradle of inquiry.

    Custom is the great guide of human life.

    Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions.

    Beauty in things exists in the mind which contemplates them.

    Experience is the best teacher; without it, we are but children in the dark.

    Truth springs from argument amongst friends.

    Our passions are the ultimate drivers of our desires.

    The mind is a theater of impressions, not a repository of ideas.

    Liberty is the mother of virtue, not its daughter.

    The more we learn, the more we realize how little we know.

    All knowledge begins with experience, but remains grounded in doubt.

    To be a philosopher is to be in love with wisdom.

    A wise man proportions his belief to the evidence.

    Happiness lies in the moderation of desire.

    Nothing is more dangerous than an enlightened mind devoid of compassion.

    In the hands of the wise, emotions become instruments of reason.

    The greatest truths are often the simplest.

    Wonder is the foundation of all philosophy.

    Perception shapes reality, not the other way around.

    No man ever threw away life while it was worth keeping.

    The world is a tapestry of interconnected experiences.

    Introspection is the first step toward enlightenment.

    Philosophy is the art of asking the right questions.

    Emotions are the threads that weave the fabric of existence.

    Doubt is the soil in which inquiry grows.

    The pursuit of knowledge is the pursuit of freedom.

    Life’s uncertainty is what makes it beautiful.

    Every opinion is a reflection of personal experience.

    The essence of humanity lies in our shared experiences.

    Listen to your passions; they are the whispers of your soul.

    Reason tempers the wild fires of emotion.

    Skepticism allows for the growth of understanding.

    Our beliefs shape our actions, not vice versa.

    The self is a bundle of perceptions, not a singular entity.

    We learn not from experience, but from reflection on experience.

    Philosophy invites us to challenge our own certainties.

    To question is to begin the journey of understanding.

    Simplicity is the key to profound insights.

    Conscience is the inner voice of reason.

    Every journey of thought begins with a single question.

    Equality of opinions enriches the marketplace of ideas.

    Joy is often found in the quest, not the destination.

    Interconnectedness is the essence of being.

    Harmony arises from the balance of passion and reason.

    True enlightenment comes from the union of heart and mind.

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