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Iconic Jar Jar Binks Quotes That Will Make You Laugh

    Meesa remember the good times!

    Wesa gonna have some fun!

    Oh no! Meesa in trouble!

    Yousa think yousa can stop me?

    Meesa got a bad feeling about this.

    Wesa here to save the day!

    Meesa likes the way yousa think!

    Yousa can count on meesa!

    Meesa always the life of the party!

    Wesa all in this together!

    Meesa no Jedi, but meesa try!

    Yousa underestimate the power of the clumsy!

    Meesa not a fighter, meesa a lover!

    Wesa gonna work together!

    Meesa had a hunch about this!

    Yousa gotta believe in yourself!

    Wesa taking the scenic route!

    Meesa promise to be there!

    Yousa ready for an adventure?

    Meesa love the smell of Gungan victory!

    Wesa turning the tide!

    Meesa always looking on the bright side!

    Yousa are braver than you think!

    Wesa dancing to the rhythm of life!

    Meesa making memories!

    Yousa holding the key to happiness!

    Wesa building bridges, not walls!

    Meesa dreaming big!

    Yousa more capable than you know!

    Wesa got hopes and dreams!

    Meesa celebrating every small win!

    Yousa got the power to change the world!

    Wesa like a family, united!

    Meesa taking a leap of faith!

    Yousa ready to face the challenges?

    Wesa not giving up!

    Meesa here to spread joy!

    Yousa can do anything you set your mind to!

    Wesa gonna make it happen!

    Meesa high on positivity!

    Yousa drive me to be better!

    Wesa shining like stars!

    Meesa full of surprises!

    Yousa filling the world with laughter!

    Wesa dreaming of a brighter future!

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