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20 Memorable Quotes from Succession – Wisdom and Wit from the Roy Family

    The game of thrones is played with a ruthless heart.

    In this family, loyalty is as fickle as the wind.

    The apple doesn’t fall far from the toxic tree.

    Money may not buy happiness, but it sure buys power.

    Every empire has its cracks; some just show more than others.

    Behind every deal is a betrayal waiting to unfold.

    The crown suits those who can carry its weight.

    In the end, it’s not blood that binds us, but ambition.

    When the stakes are high, morality becomes a luxury.

    Family is where the daggers are polished and secrets are buried.

    In the arena of business, trust is the first casualty.

    Success is a double-edged sword; wield it wisely.

    We are drawn to power like moths to a flame.

    In this dynasty, the only constant is change.

    Sometimes, the best move is the one you never saw coming.

    Behind every smile lies a hidden agenda.

    We don’t just aim for the top; we redefine it.

    The highest towers are built on shaky foundations.

    In this family, the art of war is perfected at the dinner table.

    Truth is a negotiable currency; spend it wisely.

    In the quest for control, everyone plays the fool.

    Power is a magnet; it attracts both allies and adversaries.

    The throne is a reflection of your darkest desires.

    Trust is earned in the shadows, not in the spotlight.

    A true leader forges their path through chaos.

    In the realm of succession, the past never stays buried.

    Every ally is a potential enemy in disguise.

    Ambition is the fuel; betrayal is the fire.

    We don’t just break the rules; we rewrite them.

    Silence speaks louder than a thousand words in our world.

    In the labyrinth of power, navigation is key.

    The family portrait can hide many a scandal.

    Stay sharp; the closest ally can become your greatest threat.

    Our legacy will be written in both ink and blood.

    Victory tastes sweeter when savored with treachery.

    Survival requires a strategy, not just a heart.

    To lead is to dance on the edge of a knife.

    The past is a shadow that never quite fades away.

    In the pursuit of greatness, every sacrifice is justifiable.

    A strong facade can mask a crumbling empire.

    We are the architects of our own demise.

    Power dynamics shift like tides; you either ride the wave or drown.

    Loyalty in this realm is a luxury few can afford.

    To conquer is to know when to strike and when to retreat.

    In the end, it’s not about winning; it’s about who gets to tell the story.

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