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Laughing All the Way to the Bank – Hilarious Quotes About Money

    Money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy a jet ski, and that’s pretty close.

    I finally found a wallet I can afford… it’s empty!

    Money talks, but all mine says is ‘Goodbye.’

    I don’t need a money tree; I just want an ‘unlimited vacation’ account.

    They say money is the root of all evil; I say it’s just a bad gardener.

    My bank account is like a toddler: always crying and never any fun!

    If money grew on trees, I’d probably still be out of shape from all the raking.

    Why don’t sharks like to invest? Because they’re afraid of losing their bite!

    I tried to be reasonable with my finances; then my credit card company called and suggested otherwise.

    If money talks, mine is always mumbling.

    Whoever said money can’t buy love just didn’t know where to shop.

    I don’t have a problem with money; I have a problem with it leaving my hands too quickly.

    I thought I had a money tree, but it turns out it was just a weed.

    My financial planner advised me to start my day with coffee; now I’m just broke and awake.

    Money can’t buy class, but it can certainly rent it for a night.

    I have a special bond with my money; we both prefer to keep our distance.

    They say the best things in life are free; that’s why I only have free samples.

    I told my wallet to stay put, but it seems it always wants to go out with my credit cards.

    Money may not grow on trees, but I know where it spends the most time— in my fridge.

    I wishing upon a star— just to have enough money for groceries!

    My wallet is like my fantasy football team: always empty but full of hopes.

    Money can’t buy you happiness, but it can buy you ice cream, which is pretty much the same thing.

    If cash is king, then I’m a loyal peasant.

    I don’t have a spending problem; I have a withdrawing problem.

    I’m on a seafood diet. I see money, and I eat it!

    My savings account is just a collection of dreams I can’t afford.

    I look at my bank account like a romantic relationship: it keeps leaving me.

    My financial motto: In case of emergency, run to the closest sale.

    Money can’t bring you joy, but it can sure make your sad more comfortable!

    I opened a savings account but accidentally saved all my money for spontaneous decisions.

    I finally cracked the code to financial success: stop checking your bank balance!

    I treat my finances like my plants: ignore them and hope for the best.

    I told my money to stay out of my life; now it’s sending me monthly statements!

    Money isn’t everything, but it sure makes for a great sidekick.

    I’d rather be broke and laughing than rich and boring!

    My money diet consists of eating ramen until payday.

    If my savings account were a movie, it would be a comedy—lots of laughs and empty pockets.

    I wanted to be rich, so I started a penny jar; it’s now just a jar of regrets.

    They say money can’t buy time, but it sure can buy a nap!

    I’m not broke; I’m just in recovery from retail therapy.

    When it comes to money, I like to keep it light—like my wallet!

    I tried to save money on my diet, but all I got was a snaccident.

    Money is like a friend: it comes and goes, but it’s the fun times that count!

    I want to be rich enough so I can complain about how little I have to work.

    My budgeting skills are best described as ‘don’t look at the receipts.’

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