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Hilarious Retirement Quotes to Celebrate Your New Freedom

    Retirement: where every day is Saturday, except for laundry day.

    I don’t know how I found time to work!

    Retirement: the only time in life when it’s acceptable to sleep all day long.

    Goodbye tension, hello pension!

    I’m retired, but I’m like a professional napper now.

    At my age, I’ve seen it all—every channel on TV!

    Just because I’m retired doesn’t mean I can’t procrastinate like a pro.

    Retirement is when you stop lying about your age and start lying around the house.

    I told my boss I was retiring to spend more time with my family… and I wasn’t kidding!

    I’m not retired, I’m a professional holidaymaker!

    Retirement: the days are long, but my to-do list is shorter.

    Did you hear about the guy who became a professional sleeper? He’s officially retired!

    Retirement means not having to pretend to be busy anymore.

    Age is just a number… a really big number in my case!

    Retirement is the perfect excuse to do nothing and live in my pajamas.

    Finally, I can go for coffee when it’s not ‘break time’!

    The secret to a successful retirement is to take a nap every afternoon.

    I wish I could be as thin as my money in retirement!

    Retirement: where you trade your boss for your favorite coffee shop.

    I’m on the ‘permanent vacation’ plan now!

    I thought retirement would be peaceful until I realized I had two cats and a dog keeping me busy.

    Retirement is like a long vacation, but with a little less packing.

    I finally stopped working to pursue my true passion: daydreaming.

    Good luck to my old coworkers… they’ll need it!

    The only thing I plan to retire from is my alarm clock.

    It’s funny how retirement was supposed to give me more time, yet I’m busier than ever!

    It’s not that I don’t like work; I just prefer to do it from a hammock.

    Who knew retirement came with a side of ‘honey-do’ lists?

    In retirement, I finally have time to be a professional procrastinator.

    I’m still working on my degree in ‘The Art of Not Working’.

    My bank account may say retired, but my heart says adventurer.

    Retirement: time to break out of the 9-to-5 hamster wheel!

    I’m retiring for a while to upgrade my social life from virtual to real.

    I just realized that I’ve spent my whole life preparing for retirement…and I can’t wait!

    Why do they call it retirement? It’s really just an extended adventure!

    I’ve decided to take on a new job: president of my couch!

    Forget retirement villages; I’m opening a retirement resort!

    If I’d known retirement was this fun, I would have done it sooner!

    Work-life balance? I now just focus on life!

    Retirement: when every meal is a picnic.

    I used to need a planner; now I just need a nap!

    The best part about retirement? I can finally pursue my lifelong dream of doing absolutely nothing!

    I don’t just retire; I reinvent my days, starting with brunch.

    I’ve traded my briefcase for a beach towel.

    I may be retired, but I still daydream about 5 o’clock somewhere!

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