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Hilarious Quotes About Raising a Teenager You Can’t Miss!

    Raising a teenager is like trying to nail Jell-O to a wall.

    My teenager thinks they’re a cross between a parent and an adult, but mostly they’re just a meme.

    Teenagers: because even our wildest dreams need a sarcastic commentator.

    Parenting a teenager is just like herding cats, except the cats are also on their phone.

    You know you’re raising a teenager when you can’t tell if they’re mad at you or just being a teenager.

    Teenagers are like Wi-Fi; you can’t see them, but you know they’re there, and they’re definitely up to something.

    If I had a dollar for every time my teenager rolled their eyes, I’d be rich enough to pay for their therapy.

    Raising a teenager is 20% parenting, 80% Googling how to not mess it up.

    My teenager’s favorite word? Whatever. It’s like their own personal mantra.

    Teenagers are proof that evolution is still happening, just a bit dramatically.

    Whenever I ask my teenager a question, I half-expect a live performance of The Sound of Silence.

    Getting a teenager to listen is like trying to convince a cat to take a bath.

    To my teenager: The world doesn’t revolve around you. It just rotates with your moods.

    I thought I was raising a child, but it turns out I’m just a human ATM for a funky alien.

    Parenting a teenager is trying to solve a puzzle where all the pieces are missing.

    Can you take out the trash? is just an invitation for a debate club meeting in our kitchen.

    Teenagers don’t really want your advice; they just want to hear your wrong answers.

    If it seems like your teenager is always right, just remember—they’re also always hungry.

    Teenagers greet your good morning with an eye roll that says, You exist.

    If teenagers had a motto, it would be: Sleep is life, chores are optional.

    You know you’re living with a teenager when quiet time means them working on their TikTok dance.

    Teenagers are like smartphones; they need constant charging and don’t come with a manual.

    The secret to understanding a teenager? Embrace the chaos and add snacks.

    When life gives you teenagers, just add ice cream and pretend you’re on vacation.

    A teenager’s favorite exercise? Running late to everything!

    Raising a teenager is a lot of things, but dull is not one of them!

    My teenager said they want more privacy. I told them it’s called the bathroom.

    The only thing more unpredictable than a teenager’s mood swings is a weather forecast.

    Teenagers run on two fuels: angst and a bottomless pit of snacks.

    If you think raising a teenager is tough, try understanding their Spotify playlists.

    Teenagers might not think you’re cool now, but one day they’ll tell their friends about your vintage status.

    Silence is golden, unless you have a teenager; then it’s suspicious.

    My teenager gives me advice like they’re an expert; I’d like to see their resume first.

    Behind every great teenager is a parent who’s pretty sure they’re going to need therapy someday.

    If I could have a dollar for every time I heard I’m bored! I’d have enough to fund their next hobby.

    My teenager has mastered the art of selective hearing—it’s a true talent.

    Teenagers: the only species known to exist that can communicate using only emojis.

    I asked my teenager about their plans for the future, and they just hit me with the You wouldn’t understand.

    Teenagers are like parking spots; the good ones are always taken, and the available ones are a bit suspect.

    Just when you think you’ve figured out your teenager, they change the rules like a video game update.

    Teenagers are a reminder that the phrase you don’t know what you’re missing should come with a side of eye rolls.

    In the drama of raising a teenager, I’m just here for the plot twists.

    My goal is to raise a successful teenager, but right now, I’d settle for one that can find the laundry basket.

    Forget about bedtime stories; now it’s about negotiating a reasonable curfew.

    Raising a teenager is like being in a sitcom where you’re both the straight man and the punchline.

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